Our Divisions

Each of our summer programs are tailored to be age appropriate and flexible to serve the needs of each child. With each new year, children “graduate” to a higher division, where they encounter new adventures, excitement, and challenges, all built on the CGI hallmarks of safety, fun, and unconditional love.


Camp Gan Israel (entering 1st through 6th grades)
Pioneers (entering 7th grade) 


Mini Gan Izzy

Mini Gan Izzy is now operated independantly by TELC at Yeshiva plese reach out to them for info and registration.

Primary Program

Our daily combination of Quality Jewish Learning & Prayer, Sports, Crafts, Swimming, Trips and electives has children motivated, excited and on-their-toes. Summer highlights include weekly trips, as well as a host of extra curricular activities and programs. Campers entering 4-6th grades go on 2 weekly trips!

That same incredible CGI spirit just with more fun, more trips, more activities and even more special highlights to look forward to! This includes 3 weekly trips, electives and more!